Weather plays a key role while looking for the reasons of crop damage which then affects farmers as they give up on crops because of the uncertainty of weather and loss that they face after finding that the planted crops are dead.
Directly affecting their income, it crushes the community, just because farmers only look for crops that can be planted in certain weather conditions, where they’re also supposed to know about the forecast of upcoming months for the betterment of yield, it overcomes one of the most common problems in agricultural field.
To solve this problem, after brainstorming, multiple conclusions came and this is how the final user flow came to light, upon which the architecture was imagined.
Initial Task Flow
The architecture was then translated into a low fidelity mobile based experience, to understand the final gaps in the experience. And finally, the concept was supposed to display crops that can be planted as per current season and weather conditions not just for the month or the day but they can also find on how the weather turns while that crop has grown.

At the time of the project, I was a design student working for an agency. So, it was really hard for me to arrange all the things I was involved in. However, I’ve attached a few wireframes from the project below.
That was all. Thanks for your patience and for going through this ugly presentation.

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